Will my child benefit from speech or language therapy?

If you think your child may have a speech or language delay, you might start with your pediatrician, teacher, or daycare provider. They may be good at gauging your child’s development compared to other children their age. All children develop in their own time; however, here are expected speech and language milestones:

ASHA Speech and Language Milestones

If you have continued concerns about your child’s speech and language skills, please contact us for a free phone consultation at (614)989-6831, or to set up an initial screening.

Why choose Talk Enterprises?

At Talk, our therapy is research-based and focused on outcomes. We continually work to increase our knowledge and increase our skills through attending trainings and keeping up with the latest research that directly benefits our clients. We value close partnership with families, keeping an open dialogue and working to achieve your and your child’s goals together. We provide home practice activities to support carryover and quicker progress when appropriate. We truly value our relationships with our clients and families and love what we do!